
ChatGPT: AI writes and codes!

ChatGPT is an AI-based app that is apparently open for people to test and I think is in a sort of preview mode at the moment. So today I tried …

Factory Pattern Examples

The factory pattern is a software design pattern where an object of a particular type is returned based on some provided information and without specifying the exact class. Why use …

Observer Pattern Examples

The Observer pattern is a software design pattern that is a good fit for situations where there is one thing that needs to send a message to many other things. …

Decorator Pattern Examples

The Decorator pattern is useful when you want to add some behavior to an object (or compose combinations of behavior) at run time but without adding that same behavior to …

Strategy Pattern Examples

What is the strategy pattern? The Strategy pattern is a software design pattern that lets a class change its behavior at run time; helping to keep classes decoupled and re-usable. …